Hakimo helps Salmon Arm GM proactively prevent crime  See How


Theft and vandalism are common problems in vehicle lots. With remote guarding services, auto dealerships and car rental companies can prevent crimes from occurring.

Drive crime away

Busy with customers during the day, auto dealerships and car rental companies typically shut down at night, leaving them vulnerable to theft and vandalism. Even companies with an onsite security guard can’t always keep an eye on every area of their lots, and it’s costly to maintain a guard. The Hakimo artificial intelligence-powered remote guarding solution keeps an eye on your entire property and helps stop incidents from occurring.

Protect the perimeter of your lot

The Hakimo AI solution monitors security video for people and vehicles where they don’t belong. When someone enters the perimeter of your lot after hours, the Hakimo solution alerts the remote guard force to their presence. Audio warnings deter the majority of unwanted activities, and the remote guarding service dispatches law enforcement if needed. 

Improve your bottom line

Theft and vandalism can be very costly to auto dealerships and car rental companies. Rising catalytic converter theft and part shortages have intensified these issues. By taking a proactive approach to protecting your assets with Hakimo remote guarding, you’ll reduce risk and losses from theft, damage and claims. Your insurance company may also lower your insurance premium.

Ensure your security cameras are working

Maintaining properly functioning cameras is critical to security, but you shouldn’t have to check on them yourself. The Hakimo AI solution automatically monitors the health of your cameras and alerts of any issues so they can be resolved in a timely manner.

Tailor a solution to your needs

Our team of experts works with you to develop a solution tailored to your unique auto dealership security requirements, including areas that need protection, hours of operation, standard operating procedures and response protocols.

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